Hi, I'm Caleb. Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. My life's circumstances have granted me the privilege of being thrown into significant leadership positions at a young age​.
I grew up travelling to Zimbabwe for outreach almost every school holiday (a family initiative for over 40 years). From a young age my Father (an entrepreneur and property developer) also started teaching me about the business world. When I was 13 years old he gave me a capital investment of $2000 to start a small importing business (camera equipment). This small business thrived and sparked a new way of thinking for me. Growing up in a family who taught me that leadership finds its roots in serving, while at the same time showing immense confidence and belief in me was an invaluable gift.
For my later teenage years, I attended Fairmont High School where I met Kathleen (my wife) in Grade 10. In grade 12, Kathleen and I were elected Head Boy and Head Girl of our school (School President) and by the age of 21 we were married. When I left high school, I pioneered a youth ministry in our local church and served as youth pastor. These were some of the most formative years in my leadership journey. 4 years later I shifted roles and became executive pastor of our local church. At this point I began formal studies in theology and leadership through an organization called Advance. At age 24 I founded a company called Organizational Health Solutions, designed to help companies build high performing teams. Married for 5 years now, I currently live in Washington DC helping to plant churches, while I develop leaders and grow my business around the world.
I am a passionate charismatic leader and public speaker. I believe in the power of clear communication. I believe in working hard while remaining content. I believe in excellence while remaining gracious. The most valuable commodity in my life is time. My biggest burdens are unrealized leadership potential and people in the world asking the question: 'What on earth am I here for?' My life's calling is to raise leaders and plant churches.
CliftonStrengths Profile: